Deputy Prime Minister considers PAICV's accusation regarding use of MCC resources to be “serious”
The Deputy Prime Minister considered this Friday as “serious” the accusation made by the PAICV regarding the use of MCC resources. This Opposition Party accused the Government of using resources from the Millennium Challenge Corporation compact to solve problems in the transport sector.

In response, the Minister of Finance and Business Development also described the accusation as “serious” and said that such a statement could only result from “ignorance, bad faith”, or even “great irresponsibility” on the part of the Opposition.
“To say that we are using the compact money to solve transport problems is a very serious statement that compromises the Government and the progress of the project that is underway”, warned Olavo Correia.
The minister reinforces that the process is still in an initial phase, focused on the vision and concept, without final definitions on the values of the projects to be presented to the USA, as a financier.
The VPM recommended calm and highlighted that the new MCC compact will be transformative for Cape Verde.